Liturgical Ministry

St. Augustine Liturgical Ministries

The Liturgical ministries are an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to the Church and one another.  Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given the parish community. Parishioner participation in the ministries help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.  Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.

Extraordinary Ministers

Parishioners assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at all Masses. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be registered, practicing members of the Church, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church.


Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord and the General Intercessions during the Liturgy.  A lector should have a passion for Scripture with the ability to understand Scripture. Good reading and speaking skills are necessary. Lectors must be registered, practicing members of the Church, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during Mass. Young boys and girls assist the Priest at the Altar for all Masses. Altar Servers must be registered, practicing members of the Church, and have received the Sacrament of First Communion in the Catholic Church.


Ushers assist at each Mass and other special occasions as needed. Ushers are the first ministers one meets when they arrive at the church for any celebration. Their warm, friendly smile and welcoming words set the tone for the worship experience. Ushers direct the flow of the crowd, assists those with special needs, take up the collection and hand out the bulletins. Ushers must be registered, practicing members of the Church, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church.

If you are interested in serving in one of the Liturgical Ministries please contact Debi Royer via phone, text or email:  678-641-3904

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for February 2025

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for January 2025